
Better Brand Safety & Suitability with AI-Powered Analysis

We help advertisers choose the right placements, isolate fraudulent websites, and enhance brand safety and suitability. Our curated inclusion and exclusion lists provide deeper insights into the environments and contexts where your ads are shown, ensuring your campaigns reach the right audience effectively.

Make a calculation and get your results in less than 24 hours

Leveraging AI to achieve your goals


Lower Bounce Rate*


Potential for Saving Ad Budget*


Longer Time Spent per Visit*

*Based on our experience. Results may vary for different advertisers

Services & benefits

Placement Audits

Improving Costs

Inclusion & Exclusion Lists

Improving Brand Safety

Advertise on websites that align with your values

We assist in ensuring that brands advertise within secure environments that resonate with their core values, thereby mitigating potential reputational risks.

Improving display advertising by leveraging AI

How does it work?

We leverage the power of artificial intelligence to assess websites through diverse metrics. A set of prompts and filters is used to assess each website individually. The data is meticulously compiled, analysed, and evaluated to provide a comprehensive understanding of each site's performance and relevance.

Utilizing this information, we curate a list of placements for our advertisers that aligns seamlessly with their specific requirements and values.

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Who needs us

Display marketing is a common strategy advertisers use to enhance brand recognition and drive traffic.

However, the industry is significantly impacted by deceptive practices, such as Made-For-Advertising (MFA) websites, which generate low brand awareness, invalid traffic and lead to financial wastage.

Additionally, brands strive to avoid placing their ads next to scandalous material, extreme political ideologies, and hate-promoting content.

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Ad Clutter and how it affects results in display advertising
Analyzing display advertising campaigns to find hidden potential

How to get started

Just use the "Get a quote" button to tell us your name and e-mail address. You can also calculate an estimate of your cost. You can send your placement list to info@DisplayGateGuard.com in order to expedite the process.

Usually, our analysis is ready in less than 24h. Use the text field to tell us any details and specifics you want us to know.

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  • What platforms do you specialize in?

    We specialize in display placements on the Google Display Network (GDN) and via programmatic advertisement on various DSPs, such as DV360, TradeDesk or Adform.

  • Which digital services do you offer?

    We offer audits, monitoring of marketing campaigns, ongoing consultations and reporting. We specialyze in the analysis of placements and optimization thereof.

  • Why should I choose Display Gate Guard?

    Because we're employing innovative ways to help gather intelligence in a vast jungle of information and technology. We want to learn with each step, and take you along for the ride. Join us!

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Display Gate Guard helps display advertisers find the bad apples in their placements
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